For a change, today was a sunny day. I didn't posted that I recently bought a z palette, after getting excited for my purchase of the MAC one. The z palette is in my opinion waaay better; not only that you can see the colors without opening the palette but you can fit anything you want in there! so I de-potted some blushes that I use quite often but have inconvenient packaging for when I'm in a hurry. I de-potted the Benefit Coralista and the Cargo in Mallorca really easily, the other 2 blushes where something are just to see different sizes in the palette. I always find myself mixing totally different blushes' shades for my make up. I find easier to put them on a palette and saving time instead of opening each one of the packagings. The MAC palette haven't already inspired me; so, I haven't fill it up just yet. Besides there are a lot of make up with such a beautiful packaging that I'll feel guilty if I "undress" them so my urge of de-potting has stopped.
One thing is for sure this february 2011, since I bought the "teenage dreams" I've been wearing it non stop. I feel sad if I don't see it on my nails, I need to buy a back up, luckily is still available.
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