I have never heard anyone saying that they think that the Ugg boots are pretty. And yet everyone that can afford them have/had at least a pair. I always resisted the idea of buying a pair for myself. This winter however, was really cold! and my lovely husband bought, as a gift, my first pair. I must admit: I love them! they are sooo warm! I'm always cold, even in a warm weather. The outside of mines are leather, therefore, they keep me from wet feet ;o). Here in Holland they are pricey but the Uggs definitely worth every penny. They are indeed warm and comfy. I think that once you "surrender" and have a pair, you will never want to wear anything else in the winter. However I think that I will only but the leather ones, in my opinion they are not that ugly. But, as you see them everywhere they start to appeal you.. So, you'll never know. ;)
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